

Kim Curran GLAZE Blog Tour

It’s Day Two of the GLAZE Blog Tour and I’m thrilled to be taking part by posting my review of Kim Curran’s latest book, GLAZE. Set in a slightly future London, GLAZE is a thrilling and thought-provoking read and one I’d recommend, especially if you’re a regular user of any social network. Why? Because GLAZE is a futuristic social network that everyone…

The dark side of Twitter Towers

One of the most popular blog posts I’ve written to date was a post I wrote in 2010 asking Does Twitter sell books?  I posted a picture of my Twitter Towers (all the books I’d heard about through the social networking site) and categorised them, and generally thought that Twitter was pretty good at selling books. To me, at any rate!…

Book review: Searching for Captain Wentworth by Jane Odiwe

Authors, Book reviews By Jun 19, 2013 6 Comments

One of the fun things about being a reader today is sometimes getting the opportunity to meet a favourite author at a book event or getting to chat to them on their blog or through social networking sites. But if they’ve been dead for almost 200 years, this is sadly  – and clearly! – no longer an option. You can only…

My Dream of You Launch

Authors, Book launch By Jun 05, 2012 6 Comments

Today sees the online launch of writer pal Denyse Kirkby’s second novel, My Dream of You, and I’m very excited to be a part of the Online Launch Party. Having read and enjoyed Denyse’s debut novel Without Alice and her memoir From Zaftig to Aspie, I’m currently engrossed in reading My Dream of You. Here’s a taste of what it’s all about:…

When Dreams Come True

Authors, Book launch By May 28, 2012 7 Comments

Today sees the launch of lovely writer pal Rebecca Emin’s second book When Dreams Come True, which is for readers age 10+. Here’s what When Dreams Come True is all about: Charlie is happiest when biking with Max and Toby, or watching films with Allie. But when Charlie reaches year nine (age 13), everything begins to change.  As her friends develop new…

Housewife with a Half-Life Blogsplash

I’m thrilled to be taking part in the Blogsplash for Housewife with a Half-Life today. It’s the debut novel from the extraordinarily talented A.B. Wells, who I know through Twitter and the #fridayflash community of writers. To celebrate the launch, she’s running activities on her Author Page on Facebook, on Twitter and on her main blog Head Above Water. There will be…