
Like Bees to Honey

Like Bees to Honey by Caroline Smailes

Book reviews, Books By Aug 13, 2010 9 Comments

You know that feeling you sometimes get when you step off an aeroplane in a Mediterranean country? When the warm air envelops you like a deep sigh? Your whole body relaxes and that’s the moment when you realise that you’re in a foreign country, and now properly on holiday. That’s how it feels to open the pages of Like Bees to Honey and start reading.

Bees, Honey and Beer

Do you ever find yourself drawn to something – a person or an object or an event – like, oh I don’t know, say, a bee to honey? It happens to me a lot. After having recently read Wasted by Nicola Morgan, I no longer know if this is my own gut instinct or some other higher power moving me around the chess board of life, but I’m happy for it to continue – irrespective of what’s driving it. It usually works out well.