
Salt Publishing

Book Review: #MyHummingbirdFather by Pascale Petit

Dominique dreams of her father’s face in the waters of Angel Falls in Venezuela and shortly after, he contacts her for the first time in 30 years. She travels to Paris for answers in My Hummingbird Father. When artist Dominique receives a letter from her dying father, a reckoning with repressed memories and a pull for romantic and familial love…

Book Review: Nameless Lake by Chris Parker

Chris Parker gathers together those moments that go to make up Emma and Madryn’s friendship over the years, splicing them together with anecdotes about a Toronto couple who post videos on YouTube and everyday happenings from Emma’s family life, all the while making frequent switches in time and place, to create his kaleidoscopic debut novel, Nameless Lake. Emma and Madryn…